The process to create a learning object about social presence was a bit more difficult than anticipated. Part of the reason for the difficulty involved not being able to pinpoint a description of our own for social presence. A lot of the literature that we read involved common definitions quoted from the same studies. A few other studies had slight variations but very little explanation of what they meant. It took awhile to find “unique” studies that described social presence beyond the quotations, but we were able to find a few. The good thing about all the “common literature” is that it forced us to sit down and really look at the content that we gathered. By doing so, it made us learn the material about social presence because the term itself is not an easy read.

Another challenge that we had was our time difference. One person is three hours ahead and one is three hours behind. A lot of times it was difficult with our busy schedules to find a set time to call each other to check to see how we are doing or to just discuss a specific part of the project. However, the time difference became more of an individual building process than a hindrance. With one being able to stay up later and the other being able to wake up earlier, we were able to cover a bit more work in relation to hours. Meaning that if one person had to go to sleep because it was really late for their time, the other person could continue working on the set task and their work could be evaluated by the other and vice-versa. This also meant that we had to trust each others judgment.


Learning about social presence also helped us to understand why some online instructors or courses were a turn-off.

There was either a lack of social presence, or too much of it.

Learning and trying to understand social presence also helped us to gain a better understanding with how distance education is evolving by trying to create a student-centered environment. It also put into perspective as to why ETEC is outlined the way it is.