iTunes Store
Use this to download and subscribe to podcasts for your Apple brand MP3 player!
Zune Marketplace
Use this to download and subscribe to podcasts for your MP3 player!
Use this to have audio and video conferences multi-way with peers, friends, classmates, professors in formal, informal, professional, an educational settings. 
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
Use this to message others though video and audio means. Good for small group communications.
Web 2.0 Tools
Google Docs
Collaborate with peers using free, versatile online-based productivity programs.
Google Mail and chat
E-mail and chat directly with your friends added as contacts in your gmail account
Elluminate Live!
With a three user only free account, utilize audio and visual conferencing with tools for blackboard drawing, remote screen sharing, and voting and survey features among other many versatile group dynamic functions
Upload your powerpoint presentations to be formatted into a flash module that anyone with a computer and internet access can view (once you give them the link to your presentation)
Very similar to SlideShare. You can also access other presentations that were uploaded and reformatted by other users in the public domain
ZoHo! Writer
An online based, free documents editor that can take the place of expensive licenses for computer based document editors. Utilizing online space to save your presentation, spreadsheets, and word documents on a flash-interface makes ZoHo use in someplace like a public library a great alternative to dealing with computer-based document editors, remembering where you save things on which thumb drive with what file name confusion, and lugging around expensive laptop computers!
Video Sharing
Share your videos uploaded through your account, and view others peoples videos on a plethora of different subjects. Look up channels on education to find videos with an educational theme
MacBook Pro, MacBook
The MacOSX software makes it very user friendly for traditional and non-traditional students to partake in the phenomenon of mobile learning.
If you have a laptop that doesn't have a built in webcam like the MacBook line, invest in a USB 2.0 webcam.
If your laptop doesn't have a built in microphone, or your USB 2.0 webcam doesn't include a built in webcam or maybe it does and doesn't have one you like, invest in a microphone. There are traditional desktop standup mics, as well as earphone and mic combinations that go over your head.

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